location_on Kupondole, Lalitpur, Nepal

Hello, I'm
Anwesh Dahal

I am a web and application developer based in Lalitpur, Nepal. I have a peculiar interest in simplicity and design, which I try to implement in my works. I am currently working with technologies such as VueJs, ReactJs, express.js and occasional android development.

Professional Experience

Beam Lab Pvt. Ltd.

Web and Application Developer

2022 February - Present

  • Created websites for a diverse background of clients using Wordpress.
  • Developed eCommerce applications for different clients using Wordpress and WooCommerce.
  • Researched and conducted Search Engine Optimization for different clients
  • Worked on various in house projects, (including UI Design), using VueJs
  • Used technologies such as Jira, Git SCM and GitHub to collaborate effectively with a team of 3 developers.

Technorio Inc.

Web and Application Developer Intern

2021 August - 2022 February

  • Got experience in using Git and GitHub while collaborating with a team of 3.
  • Integrated additional features into a client's application using Laravel
  • Developed admin panels for various clients using Laravel and MySQL
  • Added scalable and maintainable API endpoints for an in house project using Laravel.


BSc. (Hons.) Computing (First Class Honours)
Islington College Kathmandu
Courses: Application Development/ Programming (C#.Net/ ASP.Net/ Java), Artificial Intelligence, Databases (Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle Database, MySQL)

Personal Projects

Real Estate Nepal

Real Estate Nepal is an online real estate listing application which aims to provide a unified and digital solution people to list and search for properties online. The application was made with intent to save people's time and cut out the middle man in the process. In addition to the feature of listing property for sale, the user could list the proeprty for rent making it useful for a wider range of users. This project was developed for BSc. (Hons.) Computing Final Year Project.

GitHub arrow_outward Repository

Kompost Web Application

Kompost was our submission for Ace Ignite 48 Hours Hackathon 2022, this app was developed for a household organic waste to compost serivce. The user would signup for this application using which they could request the business to pickup their organic waste.

GitHub arrow_outward Repository & Link arrow_outward for the Application (Mobile View Only)


Seeker is a simple chrome extension which was built for personal use. It was used to quickly fetch a website's details such as title, author, and URL of a webpage which was used for citation in my college assignment.

GitHub arrow_outward Repository


Foodmonger was my first react project, it is a simple web application that displays various recipies by searching the edamam API.

GitHub arrow_outward Repository & Link arrow_outward for the Application

construction Bookshelf

Bookshelf is my first try at Android Development, this is a reading list tracking application that will use Google Books API to search for books and store the information for its reading status in Firebase. This app is being designed using Material 3. In addition to these, this app will allow the user to quickly add the books they own or have access to using barcode scanner which will scan the ISBN number.

construction Podcast Player

Podcast Player is a hobby project which is under construction. I wanted a personal podcast player with UI of my liking, while trying out the newly released Vuetify for Vue 3. This application uses the iTunes Search API to search for podcast, and play them using the fetched RSS feed. I wanted to try out Firebase and this was the perfect project to do so.

GitHub arrow_outward Repository